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Loving my dead wife

Author: Vimal Kumar
SKU: 8031111


Nam beatae reprehenderit est odio. Perspiciatis recusandae voluptatibus eveniet alias accusantium voluptatem ea. Ut sapiente quia voluptates eum molestiae autem doloremque. Est a et libero.


It is said that poetry has the astounding knack of holding a mirror to reality. If that is the case, then this distinctly titled poetry collection of eminent poet Vimal Kumar’s ‘Loving My Dead Wife’ strikingly vindicates the above standpoint. These poems present themselves as a reflection of the era, giving voices to the political, social, religious vibrations of their time.

A real poem always tries to portray into words human feelings and sensations. It has the courage to wander in the dark recesses, where the artificial light of technology and market cannot reach.

One of the remarkable features of these poems is the sensitive and honest portrayal of women. The poet keeps trying to get into the mind of a woman by exploring her roles in different relationships. While depicting her mind, he also wants to reach those dark corners of her life which have become the cause of her miseries due to the cruel conditioning of patriarchy.

These poems constitute an honest and candid appraisal of the human condition. They may seem short and simple in form but are highly contemporary and contextual. Vimal Kumar is one of the distinguished poets of our time who engages deeply with the world around, converses with and questions the given cultural legacy in profoundly political ways. His poems pose themselves as cultural resistance and become the voice of the marginals and women in the present time when the voice of dissent is strangled.They impart a creative respite to the readers and open the door of a ‘brave new world’ for them…

-Rashmi Bhardwaj, Noted Poet

Additional information

Weight 167 kg
Dimensions 165 × 1 × 161 cm


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